INNO-TEC-LAB Multiplier Events
Partnering organizations: IED - Istituto Europeo di Design (Italy, lead partner), European Digital Learning Network (Italy), Stowarzyszenie Media Dizajn (Poland), Metropolia Ammattikorkeakoulu (Finland), Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences - AUAS (Netherlands), Sustainable Development Management Institute (France), VšÄ® Socialinių inovacijų centras, Social Innovations Centre (Lithuania).
The last INNO-TEC-LAB Multiplier Event on September 8 at the ADI Museum in Milan, Italy, was a hybrid event aimed at sharing and building on the project results with local and international stakeholders.
Two cross-sectorial panels and the hands-on workshop addressed the challenges and opportunities of innovation from the perspectives of design and technology, sustainable education and learning, inter and transdisciplinary approaches.
Moments from INNO-TEC-LAB Multiplier Event in Milan, at ADI Museum, on 8th September 2022: this event was an occasion to discuss the challenges and opportunities offered in the areas of design, education and training, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary with international guests and all the project partners.
After a presentation of the project and the results obtained by IED, two panels were organised, with the presence of international guest speakers:
“Innovation through the evolution of the relationship between design and technology”: M. Campione, A. Gariboldi, M. Castàn Cabrero, B. Revelli
“Systemic transformation for sustainable innovation – from inter-to-transdisciplinarity”: M. Aakesson, M. Thomson, S. Dimopoulos
A close-doors workshop was organized for partners and IED students on
interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches.
INNO-TEC-LAB “Development of opportunities in the field of design for technical careers through innovation-laboratories” (nr. 2020-1-IT02-KA203-079775) Project’s partners were pleased to share moments from the multiplier event that took place on the 7th of April 2022 in Helsinki, Finland.
This free, full-day hybrid event provided an excellent international platform for networking and participating in contemporary discussion with people from educational institutions and working life. It was the first time since the beginning of the project on the 14th of September 2020 that the project partners were able to meet in person.
Moments from INNO-TEC-LAB Multiplier Event in Helsinki Metropolia UAS, 7 April 2022 INNO-TEC-LAB Development of opportunities for technical careers in the field of design through innovation-laboratories.
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