
At the end of the Project lifecycle, INNO-TEC-LAB reached the following IOs:
(IO1) The final version of the Learning Module was created, building on the lessons learnt through the implementation and delivery of the Train-the-Trainer (IO2) and the Student Course (IO3), as well as additional insights from the first ME in Finland which saw the involvement of both TTT trainers and learners (teachers). Of particular significance was the opportunity to review the guidelines for implementation of IO2 and IO3. The LM also included an annex reporting the results of the research phase on innovation for Education, and specifically the surveys and focus groups (FGs) that targeted the faculties, staff and lecturers of international and local HEIs.
(IO2) The pilot and the final rounds of the online Train-the-Trainers programme were developed and jointly delivered through the platform (IO4). For the improved and defined TTT, feedback provided by trainers, learners (teachers) and the platform’s technicians was considered. The TTT, referencing the LM (IO1), provided general guidelines for trainers to develop the course, including overall structure, description of units and methodologies, objectives and learning outcomes, tools, assignment and final Project Work suggestions, and references. Guidelines have been designed for future use by HEIs interested in developing a TTT in their institutions.
(IO3) The pilot and final rounds of the students’ were designed and delivered, in blended mode, at IED, Metropolia and HvA. This allowed for student interaction across the institutions, via the platform, and locally on-site. It also enabled the personalisation of the training within Partner organisations, and the verification of the adaptability of the course to different contexts. As per the TTT, the final course was enhanced considering feedback from teachers, students and technicians. Guidelines included the description of units, objectives and learning outcomes, tools and reference materials. Suggested assignments and final projects were also provided.
(IO4) The platform implemented is online and active. During the project's life cycle, it acted as a repository and a collaborative workspace between Partners and supported the training and learning activities. The platform will play a significant role for the sustainability of INNO-TEC-LAB, so an upgrade plan is being developed.
WP Communication and Dissemination
The Consortium implemented and improved the plan to maximise visibility of the Project with internal and external stakeholders. The main activities regarded the dissemination of the project results on the FB page and on the project website, and Partners’ social media and websites also supported outreach. The two Multiplier Events were the subject of dedicated campaigns and actions.
The Consortium proved successful in achieving its objectives. The IOs provided a sound strategic framework, theoretical and operational guidelines, and platforms for knowledge transfer, research, training and learning.